Friday, November 30, 2012

The Importance of Female Role Models

About two years ago, my boss walked into the office on a cold February day wearing a long sleeve shirt and a bubbly down vest. While I'll admit the outfit was a bit on the casual side, I figured if she was wearing it, it must be ok. I went to the GAP and bought myself a similar vest. I wanted to emulate her.

Flash forward two years. I'm now a Female Founder, and while I wish both letters didn't have to be capitalized, sadly, they do. Today, wearing the same long sleeve shirt and vest combo she wore, I strode around my office confident. I made rapid fire decisions without looking back, wrote checks, and closed new business. I was closer to being that strong, (stylish), intelligent female leader I admired years ago.

The ironic thing is that on my way out of the office, I was stopped by two female colleagues who are in their early-mid twenties. "She's a FOUNDER," one told the other. And all of a sudden they started telling me how they wanted to be founders too, how they had a great idea, no capital, but the burning desire to start their own company. How there are extremely few women founders in our incubator, and how they were hoping I could help and give them guidance.

Two years ago I looked up to the woman in the vest. Today, these women were looking up to me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

To Graduate

On Tuesday, I graduated from The Founder Institute. To be a graduate again is wonderful and flattering, but it is also different. I don't know whether to say I've completed a Masters Degree or not. And despite all the flattering compliments and declarations of pride I've received, there is still the insecurity plaguing me about the craziness that is running a company.

An Internet is a public forum, so maybe I shouldn't say I'm not confident. But I've always tried to be honest with you readers, even on the difficult things, and this is one where I feel like it's an important aspect of my experience and my persona.

So yes, I am now a female entrepreneur and business owner. I own (and run) two companies. And the odd thing is realizing that I can do all that. That despite being 8-9 years younger than the average age of participants in the program, I still came out towards the top. I still have investors and a team behind me and all this support. My company is becoming a reality. I even have employees and a pay roll. It's important to remind yourself you have the confidence to do these things and be this person, because it's not like I ever wasn't or couldn't - and I know now that I can.

At the same time, it was helpful for me to get the practice and the feedback and the skills doing a program like the Founder Institute provided. At least I feel like I have a more solid grounding and some better and important connections that I did not previously have.

Nonetheless, I still find myself in this limbo. Was this really graduate school or just the beginning of the next chapter of my life? I guess only time will tell.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Harvard Grad Heads To DC: I Matter

People travel to DC all the time, honestly. It's one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country and probably the world. I went for the first time with my grandparents for my seventh birthday. I remember the grandeur of the Washington Monument, the intricacy of the Vietnam Memorial, and the stories my grandfather told me about having attended Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream Speech." I left my teddy bear at home, so I remember traipsing through the streets late at night in search of a substitute bear, so I could sleep. That's how I got Clinton Jr. And I remember the dessert cart when we had dinner - I think it's still one of the only viennese tables I've encountered.

But when I went to DC last week, it wasn't about the sightseeing. Rather, my trip on March 14th was to live tweet the Official Arrival Ceremony of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (and Northern Ireland), David Cameron, and his wife, Sarah, to the US for their Official State Visit. This meant that I would be on the South Lawn of the White House, and afterwards, that we would head to the Executive Office Building for a private briefing with members of the administration. It sounds like a mouthful, but the bottom line is that it was one of the coolest opportunities I could even imagine having the chance to experience.

As the sun rose over the capitol, my boyfriend, Derek, and I walked to the White House to line up for the ceremony. In line, we met a woman who had worked in DC since 1988, and had actually helped to organize aspects of the Prime Minister's trip. It was a good thing we had a friendly line companion, because the line was extremely long -- yet it moved quickly, and before long, we found ourselves being greeted with "Welcome to the White House!"

We then waited with the other guests for the ceremony to begin. Not knowing who else was involved in the Tweetup (or where the ceremony was going to take place), we just scrambled for a position where we thought we'd have the best view. I wish I were taller!

After a lot of patriotic music (a stirring version of "America the Beautiful" was one of my favorite parts), the ceremony finally began. The bands even began to play some of the same music over again while they waited for the Prime Minister to arrive. We got pictures of the Prime Minister's vehicle, and when the President was finally announced, one of the people next to us fainted. So much for that moment.

When the President and Prime Minister walked around to survey the troops, I was thrilled to see them come straight towards where we were standing (behind the Red Coats, I might add). I have followed politics for so long, it was amazing to finally see President Obama in person. Yes, I had been in Grant Park on Election Night in 2008, but there were so many people there, and we were so far from the stage, we didn't even know where the stage was. Now, he was right in front of me.

With speeches coming, Derek and I moved to the top of a small hill to the right of the cameras where we were able to see the podium as the President and Prime Minister gave their speeches. The speeches, I might add, were wonderful. President Obama's speech was great. I loved the allusions to The War of 1812 - "200 Years ago the British were here under different circumstances. They were a big hit. Really lit the place up!". Prime Minister Cameron then responded with "Now I can see your defenses have been shored up. Not taking any chances this time I see!"

But the meat of the speeches was a big part of why we were here, and it was nice to hear the President lay out what both of our countries stand for. The President spoke of the importance of allowing our country's citizens to live free from fear and the beliefs the US and the UK share in terms of the universal rights of all people, and the inherent dignity of all people.

After the speeches were over, Derek and I scrambled to take as many pictures on the White House grounds as we could before we had to clear the premises. The South Lawn was beautiful - the weather was perfect, and the cherry blossoms were in bloom.

Next we were invited to the Executive Office Building for a private briefing with administration officials. I was pleasantly surprised to meet with Dan Pfeiffer, the White House Director of Communications, Brian Deese, the Deputy Director of the National Economics Council, Caitilyn Hayden, The Deputy Director of Communications for the National Security Council, James Barbour, The Press Secretary of the British Embassy, Macon Phillips, the Director of Digital Strategy, Jon Carson, the Director of the Office of Public Engagement, and more. I was honored.

With only about 80 of us in attendance, it was easy to ask questions of the speakers. I enjoyed feeling like we were in a discussion and that my views were being heard.

Most of all though, I took away the feeling that I mattered.

Between "We the People," the White House's petition site, Twitter, and just getting to meet and talk with so many amazing people, I suddenly saw all the ways that I could interact with the government...and they were actually listening.

I've always wanted to make a difference and to have a tangible positive impact on the world around me. And back in middle school, I felt that by writing and becoming a journalist, I would have more of an effect on policy than I would if I went into student government. It's been over 13 years, and I'm still finding the same reality holds true. Governments, be they high school, college, city, state, or federal, are filled with layers and layers of bureaucracy and red tape. There is so much procedure it's often hard to get anything accomplished. But it's important to never forget the power of the citizen. By getting your voice heard, there's still a lot you can do. And it's always helpful to know that people are listening, reading, and thinking about what you've said.

In a way, I'd worked all my life to get to the White House - and I am honored that I could do it through journalism and social media.

I matter. We matter.