Sunday, September 9, 2018

To My Fellow Members of the Tribe

To my fellow members of the Tribe on the eve of Rosh Hashana,

I'm writing to ask for a favor during the Days of Atonement this year. As I write this, I am tearing up in very real fear of losing two people I love to cancer. Now normally I would be the one in shul praying for them and for myself and my family and the big changes happening for everyone, and I would find comfort in that, but this year I will only have a few hours at shul before I hop on a plane and fly to Europe. While I'm looking forward to observing Yom Kippur in Bosnia and bringing a machzor so I can say the prayers regardless of whether or not the synagogue where I will be has services and/or a rabbi, it will be a very different type of observance than that which I have practiced in the past. And this year, I could use both the comfort and support of a minyan and the depth of prayer and meditation that the Days of Atonement usually provide. Please think of me when you read about Hannah tomorrow and please say a refuah shleimach for the people I love. It will bring me more comfort than I can express.

Lastly, or is it firstly, I apologize for any sins I have sinned against you over the past year. I hope that you can forgive me.

Wishing you and your families (both by blood and by choice) a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year and a meaningful Yom Kippur,


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